Hausnummern und Straßennamen in Wien, 1792
In einem Brief aus Wien vom 29.10.1792 berichtet der Reisende John Owen folgendes:
Every house is numbered, and the name of every street affixed at the corner in large legible characters.

Owen, John: Travels into different parts of Europe, in the years 1791 and 1792. With familiar remarks on places-men-and manners. London: T. Cadell jun., 1796. 2 Bände, hier Bd. 2, S. 472,
Every house is numbered, and the name of every street affixed at the corner in large legible characters.
Owen, John: Travels into different parts of Europe, in the years 1791 and 1792. With familiar remarks on places-men-and manners. London: T. Cadell jun., 1796. 2 Bände, hier Bd. 2, S. 472,
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Hausnummerierung - So, 22. Mai. 2011, 10:22