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Ein Verderber der Jugend

Süß, dass es so was noch gibt: Ein Giles Auty gibt in The Australian dem australischen Premierminister Howard recht, der die Lehrpläne von einem angeblichen postmodernen, schädlichen Einfluß geradezu verseucht sieht. Schlimmer noch: An all diesem postmodern-marxistischen Kram ist ein Franzose schuld:

The originator of these ideas was a French Marxist historian/philosopher who died 22 years ago and whose entire life was consumed by a corrosive hatred of the kind of conventional, middle-class, "bourgeois" values that tend to obtain in modern Western democracies such as Australia.

The man in question was Michel Foucault. Was this paragon truly the possessor of an exceptional, visionary and supremely balanced mind whose theories of life and society should be accepted by the rest of us - including parents of hundreds of thousands of children now attending Australian schools - without question?

When not exercising his supposedly superior vision of the true nature of bourgeois Western societies, Foucault was a promiscuous masochist whose areas of interest were in torture, drug-use and totally anonymous sex. His spiritual hero was the Marquis de Sade.

Wow, das ganze ist so schwachsinnig, dass es fast von Hans Ulrich "postmoderner Rattenfänger" Wehler stammen könnte; schön jedenfalls, dass Foucault immer noch so sehr die Gemüter erregen kann. [via Foucault-L]