Cultures of Surveillance - Programm
Das Programm der in zwei Wochen in London stattfindenden Konferenz Cultures of Surveillance ist online, Facebook und Twitter (cultofsurv) werden auch eingesetzt; das Abstract zu meinem Vortrag lautet folgendermaßen:
Between Order and Resistance: House Numbering as Surveillance Technology
House numbering was not introduced to facilitate orientation for the cities' inhabitants or to be helpful to foreigners; it's origin can be located in the border areas of early modern police, military and tax administration, in the "dust of events" (Foucault). It should make possible the state's access to the houses' riches and resources, in order to control, tax and recruite the inhabitants or to lodge soldiers. In my presentation I want to treat particularly the resistances against this new technology, because sometimes house numbers were painted over by rebellious subjects, scratched out of the houses' walls or thrown with mud.
Between Order and Resistance: House Numbering as Surveillance Technology
House numbering was not introduced to facilitate orientation for the cities' inhabitants or to be helpful to foreigners; it's origin can be located in the border areas of early modern police, military and tax administration, in the "dust of events" (Foucault). It should make possible the state's access to the houses' riches and resources, in order to control, tax and recruite the inhabitants or to lodge soldiers. In my presentation I want to treat particularly the resistances against this new technology, because sometimes house numbers were painted over by rebellious subjects, scratched out of the houses' walls or thrown with mud.
adresscomptoir -
Kontrolle - Do, 15. Sep. 2011, 09:33